CAEN Code 7729: Renting and leasing of other personal and household goods

This class includes:

  • Rental of all kinds of household or personal goods to households or industries (except recreational and sports equipment): Închirierea tuturor tipurilor de bunuri casnice sau personale către gospodării sau industrii (cu excepția echipamentelor de recreere și sport):
    • textiles, clothing, and footwear
    • Furniture, ceramics, and glassware, kitchen and tableware, electrical appliances, and household goods.
    • bijuterii, instrumente muzicale, decoruri și costume
    • books, journals and magazines
    • machinery and equipment used by amateurs or as a hobby eg tools for home repairs
    • flowers and plants
    • Electronic equipment for household use

This class excludes:

  • rental of cars, trucks, trailers and recreational vehicles without driver, see 771 - rental of recreational and sports goods, see CAEN 7721
  • Rental of video tapes and disks, see here CAEN 7722
  • Rental of office furniture, see here. CAEN 7733
  • Rental of motorcycles and caravans without a driver, see CAEN 7739
  • provision of linen, work uniforms and related items by laundries, see CAEN 9601