CAEN Code 3700: Sewerage

This class includes:

  • Operation of sewer systems or wastewater treatment facilities
  • collecting and transporting of human or industrial wastewater from one or several users, as well as rain water by means of sewerage networks, collectors, tanks and other means of transport (sewage vehicles etc) - emptying and cleaning of cesspools and septic tanks, sinks and pits from sewage; servicing of chemical toilets
  • Tratarea apelor uzate (inclusiv ape uzate menajere și industriale, apă provenită de la piscine etc.) prin procese fizice, chimice și biologice precum diluare, decantare, filtrare, sedimentare etc.
  • maintenance and cleaning of sewers and drains, including sewer rodding

This class excludes:

  • Decontamination of surface and groundwater at the pollution site, see: CAEN 3900
  • cleaning and deblocking of drainpipes in buildings, see CAEN 4322