CAEN Code 3313: Repair of electronic and optical equipment


This class includes the repair and maintenance of goods produced in groups 265, 266, and 267, excluding those considered household items. It covers: - Repair and maintenance of measuring, testing, navigating, and control equipment from group 265, including:

  • aircraft engine instruments
  • automotive emissions testing equipment
  • meteorological instruments
  • physical, electrical and chemical properties testing and inspection equipment
  • surveying instruments
  • radiation detection and monitoring instruments
  • Repair and maintenance of irradiation, electromedical, and electrotherapeutic equipment of class CAEN 2660, such as:
    • Magnetic Resonance Imaging equipment
    • medical ultrasound equipment
    • pacemakers
    • electrocardiographs
    • electromedical endoscopic equipment
    • irradiation apparatus
  • repair and maintenance of optical instruments and equipment of class CAEN 2670, if the main purpose is commercial, such as:
    • binoculars
    • microscopes (except electron and proton microscopes)
    • telescopes
    • Prisme și lentile (cu excepția celor oftalmice)
    • Photographic equipment

This class excludes:

  • Repararea și întreținerea copiatorilor, vezi CAEN 3312
  • Repair and maintenance of computers and peripheral equipment, see CAEN 9511
  • For computer projector repair and maintenance, visit our website. CAEN 9511
  • repair and maintenance of communication equipment, see CAEN 9512
  • repair and maintenance of commercial TV and video cameras, see CAEN 9512
  • For the repair of household-type video cameras, please visit: CAEN 9521
  • Watch and clock repair, see CAEN 9525