CAEN Code 3900: Remediation activities and other waste management services

CAEN Code 3900: Remediation activities and other waste management services

This class includes:

  • Decontaminarea solului și a apelor subterane la locul poluării, fie in situ, fie ex situ, folosind de exemplu metode mecanice, chimice sau biologice.
  • Decontamination of industrial plants or sites, including nuclear facilities
  • Decontamination and cleanup of surface water following accidental pollution, such as through the collection of pollutants or the application of chemicals.
  • Cleaning up oil spills and other land, surface water, ocean, and sea pollutions, including coastal areas.
  • Asbest, plumb și alte materiale toxice de eliminare
  • Clearing of landmines and similar hazards (including detonation)
  • other specialized pollution control activities

This class excludes:

  • pest control in agriculture, see CAEN 0161
  • Purificarea apei pentru scopuri de alimentare cu apă, consultați CAEN 3600
  • For the treatment and disposal of non-hazardous waste, see here. CAEN 3821
  • For the treatment and disposal of hazardous waste, please see: CAEN 3822
  • outdoor sweeping and watering of streets etc, see CAEN 8129