CAEN Code 5010: Sea and coastal passenger water transport

This class includes:

  • Transport of passengers over seas and coastal waters, whether scheduled or not:
    • operation of excursion, cruise, or sightseeing boats
    • operation of ferries, water taxis, etc.

This class also includes:

  • Rental of pleasure boats with crew for sea and coastal water transport (e.g. for fishing cruises)

This class excludes:

  • restaurant and bar activities on board ships, when provided by separate units, see CAEN 5610, CAEN 5630
  • rental of pleasure boats and yachts without crew, see CAEN 7721
  • Charter of commercial ships or boats without crew, see CAEN 7734
  • operation of "floating casinos", see CAEN 9200

Also used for in caselaw: Also used for in caselaw:

  • Transport auto cu feribotul, cu sofer