Free Qualified Signature
Sign your documents electronically using a eIDASQualified Electronic Signature, and benefit from legal equivalence to handwritten documents
How to sign using the tool:
In order to sign with this tool, you'll need to issue yourself an EvroTrust qualified signature. Here's a video on how to do it.
Step 1: Register your phone number with EvroTrust
The first step is finding EvroTrust on the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store and registering an account.
Once that's done, validate your identity, as shown in the below video.
Step 2: Click the signing box or drag the document over it
Drag it over to the document. It'll slowly upload the PDF file and then submit it for signing via the eIDEasy API.
You will be prompted to read the document (PDF), and then, write your phone number.
For example:
+40 786 832 316
Press the "Sign with Evrotrust" button.
Step 3: Approve the signature on your phone
Go on your phone, and approve signing the document. Double-check the document name, and if possible, the hash code! Make sure you know what you're signing!
Step 4: Wait for the process to finalize, and the file to be downloaded.
The process will run in the background, and once signed, you'll receive the signed file back!
It shouldn't take more than 1 minute after you've successfully signed the file using EvroTrust's platform.
Benefits of Electronic Signatures:
- Legal Equivalency to hand-written signatures
- Can be checked for validity anywhere, anytime
- They are easy to archive - The LTA format allows cheap electronic archiving. You can store hundreds of thousands of documents on a Memory Stick or a SD card.
Usage Terms - Free Signature Tool
The signature tool is provided as is, based on the EvroTrust signature platform (accredited in the EU according to eIDAS).
The files are stored in the EvroTrust and eIdEasy database for processing. doesn't store any information related to the signed documents or the documents sent for signing.
Their terms of service can be accessed here:
- eIDEasy Practice Statement (Signature Platform)
- EvroTrust General Terms and Conditions (Qualified Trust Service Provider)
Supported Countries:
Country | Passport | ID card | PIN (CNP) |
Albania | β | β | β |
Andorra | β | β | |
Armenia | β | ||
Australia | β | ||
Austria | β | β | |
Azerbaijan | β | β | |
Belarus | β | β | |
Belgium | β | β | β |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | β | β | |
Bulgaria | β | β | β |
Canada | β | ||
Croatia | β | β | |
Cyprus | β | β | |
Czech Republic | β | β | β |
Denmark | β | β | β |
Estonia | β | β | β |
Finland | β | β | β |
France | β | β | |
Georgia | β | β | |
Germany | β | β | |
Greece | β | β | |
Hungary | β | β | |
Iceland | β | β | |
Ireland | β | ||
Italy | β | β | |
Israel | β | β | |
Kazakhstan | β | β | |
Kenya | β | β | β |
Kosovo | β | β | β |
Latvia | β | β | β |
Liechtenstein | β | β | β |
Lithuania | β | β | β |
Luxembourg | β | β | |
Malta | β | β | β |
Moldova | β | β | |
Monaco | β | ||
Montenegro | β | β | |
Netherlands | β | β | β |
New Zealand | β | ||
North Macedonia | β | β | β |
Norway | β | β | β |
Poland | β | β | β |
Portugal | β | β | β |
Romania | β | β | β |
Russian Federation | β | ||
San Marino | β | β | |
Serbia | β | β | |
Slovakia | β | β | β |
Slovenia | β | β | β |
Spain | β | β | β |
Sweden | β | β | β |
Switzerland | β | β | |
Turkey | β | β | |
Ukraine | β | β | β |
United Kingdom | β | ||
United States of America | β | ||
Vatican City | β |
For a full article on the effect of qualified electronic signatures, as well as other types of signatures according to the eIDAS regulation, please read here: