This class includes:
- rental and operational leasing, without operator, of other machinery and equipment that are generally used as capital goods by industries:
- motoare și turbine
- machine tools
- Mining and oilfield equipment
- Professional radio, television, and communication equipment
- motion picture production equipment
- measuring and controlling equipment
- other scientific, commercial, and industrial machinery
- Rental and operational leasing of land transport equipment (other than motor vehicles) without drivers:
- Motorcycles, caravans, and campers, etc.
- railway vehicles
This class also includes:
- Rental of accommodation or office containers
- rental of animals (e.g. herds, race horses)
- Rental of containers
- rental of pallets
This class excludes:
- Rental of bicycles, see here. CAEN 7721
- Rental of agricultural and forestry machinery and equipment, see here CAEN 7731
- Rental of construction and civil engineering machinery and equipment, see: CAEN 7732
- rental of office machinery and equipment, including computers, see CAEN 7733