CAEN Code 7112: Engineering activities and related technical consultancy
This class includes:
- engineering design (ie applying physical laws and principles of engineering in the design of machines, materials, instruments, structures, processes and systems) and consulting activities for:
- Machinery, industrial processes, and industrial plants
- projects involving civil engineering, hydraulic engineering, and traffic planning
- water management projects
- Elaborarea și realizarea proiectelor în domeniile ingineriei electrice și electronice, ingineriei miniere, ingineriei chimice, ingineriei mecanice, ingineriei industriale și de sisteme, ingineriei de siguranță
- Elaborarea proiectelor folosind ingineria aerului condiționat, a frigului, a instalațiilor sanitare și a controlului poluării, ingineria acustică etc.
- Geophysical, geologic, and seismic surveying
- Geodetic surveying activities:
- Land and boundary surveying activities
- hydrological surveying activities
- subsurface surveying activities
- cartographic and spatial information activities
This class excludes:
- Test drilling in connection with mining operations, see: CAEN 0910, CAEN 0990
- For the development or publishing of associated software, see CAEN 5829, CAEN 6201
- activities of computer consultants, see CAEN 6202, CAEN 6209
- Testare tehnică, vezi CAEN 7120
- Research and development activities related to engineering, see here. CAEN 7219
- industrial design, see CAEN 7410
- aerial photography, see CAEN 7420
Also used for in caselaw: Also used for in caselaw:
- Updating of navigation maps
- Go-kart track design activities
- Drone data collection