CAEN Code 3600: Water collection, treatment, and supply


This class includes water collection, treatment, and distribution activities for domestic and industrial purposes. The collection of water from various sources and distribution by various means are included. This class includes: - Collection of water from rivers, lakes, wells, etc.

  • collection of rain water
  • Purificarea apei pentru scopuri de alimentare cu apă
  • Tratarea apei pentru scopuri industriale și alte scopuri
  • Desalting of sea or ground water to produce water as the principal product of interest
  • Distribution of water through pipes, by trucks or other means
  • Operation of irrigation canals

Includes also

The operation of irrigation canals is included, but the provision of irrigation services through sprinklers and similar agricultural support services is not covered.

This class excludes:

  • operation of irrigation equipment for agricultural purposes, see CAEN 0161
  • treatment of wastewater in order to prevent pollution, see CAEN 3700
  • Transport (pe distanțe lungi) de apă prin conducte, vezi CAEN 4950