CAEN Code 0510: Mining of hard coal

CAEN Code 0510: Mining of hard coal

This class includes:

  • mining of hard coal: underground or surface mining, including mining through liquefaction methods
  • cleaning, sizing, grading, pulverizing, compressing etc of coal to classify, improve quality or facilitate transport or storage

This class also includes:

  • recovery of hard coal from culm banks

This class excludes:

  • lignite mining, see CAEN 0520
  • peat digging, see CAEN 0892
  • support activities for hard coal mining, see CAEN 0990
  • test drilling for coal mining, see CAEN 0990
  • coke ovens producing solid fuels, see CAEN 1910
  • manufacture of hard coal briquettes, see CAEN 1920
  • work performed to develop or prepare properties for coal mining, see CAEN 4312