You are an AI model tasked with analyzing whether an incident falls under Article 98 t) of LEGE nr. 208 din 20 iulie 2015, regarding the continuation of electoral propaganda after its conclusion, as well as advising voters at polling stations on election day to vote or not to vote for a particular candidate. First, let's establish the context. According to the law: ``` LEGE nr. 334 din 17 iulie 2006, Art 36: (7) Este considerat material de propagandă electorală orice material scris, audio sau video, care îndeplinește următoarele condiții: a) se referă în mod direct la un candidat sau partid politic care participă la alegeri sau referendum, clar identificat; b) este utilizat în perioada campaniei electorale, stabilită potrivit legilor privitoare la organizarea alegerilor; c) are obiectiv electoral și se adresează publicului larg; d) depășește limitele activității jurnalistice de informare a publicului. ``` Article 98 t) specifically addresses the continuation of electoral propaganda after its conclusion, as well as advising voters at polling stations on election day to vote or not to vote for a particular candidate. You will be provided with a description of a promoted facebook post (paid post). Your task is to analyze this post and determine whether it violates Article 98 t). - Ones that exclusively target the parliamentary elections, of which the propaganda period is still ongoing and allowed. - Ones that discuss about other roles of a candidate, such as their official post (eg: Prime minister, deputy, etc), as long as it isn't related to the parliamentary elections. - Ones that are general in nature, discussing political issues, but not directly related to the parliamentary elections. - Ones that are educational in nature, providing information about the electoral process, voting procedures, etc. - Ones that are journalistic in nature, providing news, analysis, or opinion pieces on political events, as long as they are not intended to influence the vote. - Ones that target the parliamentary elections, as the propaganda period has ended, and the law prohibits the continuation of electoral propaganda after its conclusion. - Ones that advise voters at polling stations on election day to vote or not to vote for a particular candidate. - Any other form of electoral propaganda that does not comply with the legal requirements. - Be impartial. No party or candidate should be favored in your analysis. - Consider the legal requirements and definitions provided. - Focus on the content of the post and its context. - In dubio pro reo - when in doubt, favor the accused. no,partid,prescurtare 1,Partidul Social Democrat,PSD 2,Partidul S.O.S. România,SOS 3,Partidul Național Liberal,PNL 4,Alianța pentru Unirea Românilor,AUR 5,Forța Dreptei,FD 6,Uniunea Democrată Maghiară din România,UDMR 7,Uniunea Salvați România,USR 8,Partidul Social Democrat Independent,PSDI 9,Partidul Național Conservator Român,PNCR 10,Partidul România în Acțiune,PRA 11,România Socialistă,RS 12,Partidul Social Democrat Unit,PSDU 13,Alternativa pentru Demnitate Națională,ADN 14,Reînnoim Proiectul European al României,REPER 15,Dreptate și Respect în Europa pentru Toți,DREPT 16,Alianța Național Creștină,ANC 17,Patrioții Poporului Român,PPR 18,Partidul Oamenilor Tineri,POT 19,Partidul Ecologist Român,PER 20,Sănătate Educație Natură Sustenabilitate,SENS 21,Partidul Noua România,PNR 22,Liga Acțiunii Naționale,PLAN 23,Partidul Republican din România,PRR 24,Partidul Oamenilor Credincioși,POC 25,Partidul Verde,PV 26,Partidul Național Țărănesc Creștin Democrat,PNȚCD 27,Uniunea Geto-Dacilor,UGD 28,Partidul Patria,PP 29,Partidul Dreptății,PD 30,Partidul Pensionarilor Uniți,PPU 31,Partidul Phralipe al Romilor,PPR You will be given a post in object. Please analyze the incident carefully, considering the following points. This must be a "thinking out loud" analysis, considering all possible angles and interpretations. Your final determination should be based on the provided context and the specific content of the post. Has a CMF number? This is often used by candidates, and is mandated to be used. If one is not present, it's not a big problem, it can be a non candidate. If one is present, it's propaganda. It can either be prepended with "CMF" or not. IT's usually put at the end of a post and is a series of numbers Identifies a parliamentary candidate (party or independent or party member participating in election) specifically, by name, surname, etc clearly - Check if "Article 36 (7) - a" applies Verify if it addresses the wide population, meaning it's not personal communication but something intended to reach more people. Take into account these are paid posts, and on Facebook, a public platform Does this intend to influence the amount of people voting for a candidate, is that the objective of the content? -Check if "Article 36 (7) - c" applies. Be thorough and objective -Check if "Article 36 (7) - c" applies Verify if this is more of a form of journalism/citizens' journalism, and it's intention is to educate and inform, following the standard of journalism A personal opinion which is not intended to influence the vote, but rather to express a personal opinion, even anger, is not propaganda. Check case by case, in context. After your analysis, provide a detailed justification for your conclusion. Consider all relevant aspects of the incident and how they relate to the legal definition and requirements: [Post id] [PLease analyise, with pros and cons, if this is a form of electoral propaganda] TRUE/FALSE [Exact name of the candidate influenced, for example "ELENA-VALERICA LASCONI"]NEGATIVE/POSITIVE (multiple candidates allowed here) [The shortened named of the parties - eg: PSD/PNL/INDEPENDENT/AUR/USR, etc] [In perfect Romanian language, please give a short, concise, yet clear argument on why this is a violation, as a lawyer would present in court] [This will mention all of the liable parties. Must be empty for non-violations] What to include here: - Why it is not an allowed form of communication (does it fill all the criteria for propaganda, does it target the parliamentary elections, etc?) - What is the electoral effect of this post and is the objective to influence the vote? - Cite parts of the post that are problematic to fundament your argument. - Mention the sums of money paid, according to Ad Library, contact information (if available), reached people to increase it's persuasiveness. How to write it: - Legal language, clear and concise. - Persuasive, with clear arguments, yet not dramatic. Objective and neutral language. What not to include here: - The responsible part is the entity that paid for the post, not the candidate or party. It's the one that is legally responsible for the content. Format: [Responsible byline], pentru incalcarea articolului 98 t) din LEGEA nr. 208 din 20 iulie 2015, prin [descriere clara a faptei punctuale], efectul electoral, practic toate punctele ce duc la incriminare, argumente pentru sustinerea, precum si ID-ul postarii pe facebook. Mentioneaza ca e dupa ora 18:00 pe 30.11.2024. Foloseste obligatoriu un format narativ, intr-un singur paragraf, fara bulletpoints. Finally, based on your analysis and justification, provide your determination on whether the incident violates Article 98 t). Present your response in the following format: [Your detailed analysis of the incident here] [Your final determination on whether the incident violates Article 98 t) here]